Appleby Dance Company Anti-Bullying Policy
The ADC Anti-Bullying Policy covers all students in attendance.
Any form of bullying, whether verbal, physical or psychological or cyber, and whether one-off, occasional or repeated, is completely unacceptable at Appleby Dance Company.
Bullying is behaviour by an individual or a group, repeated over time (or possibly one serious incident) that intentionally hurts another. Bullying can take many forms and is often motivated by prejudice, for example on grounds of ability, special need, race, religion, culture, gender, sexual orientation, or because a child is adopted or has caring responsibilities.
Stopping violence and ensuring immediate physical safety is obviously the school’s first priority. Although bullying in itself is not a specific criminal offence in the UK, it is important to bear in mind that some types of harassing or threatening behaviour may in some circumstances be regarded as such.
Bullying can be:
Emotional – being unfriendly, excluding, and tormenting (e.g. hiding uniform, threatening gestures).
Physical – pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence.
Racist – racial taunts, graffiti, gestures.
Sexual – unwanted physical contact or sexually explicit and/or abusive comments.
Homophobic – because of, or focusing on, the issue of sexuality.
Verbal – name calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing.
Disability – because of, or focusing on, a disability.
Cyber – using electronic means such as social websites, mobile phones, text messages, photographs or e-mail to cause pain and distress to a victim.
Religious/Cultural – religious or cultural intolerance of any sort.
Bullying can seriously damage a young person’s confidence and sense of self-worth. It can lead to serious and prolonged emotional damage for an individual, and, at its most extreme, taking their own life. Those who conduct the bullying or witness the bullying can also experience emotional harm, and the impact on parents and instructors can be significant. ADC understands that some students, those with disabilities or special educational needs, can be more of a target for bullying, and watch for this.
ADC accepts that as well as pupils bullying pupils, instructors can be bullies, or the victims of bullying, as can parents. The school sees all incidents of bullying as unacceptable, and all known incidents are addressed with equal importance.
All members of the ADC community (parents, pupils, and instructors) have a responsibility to ensure that, in so far as it is reasonably practicable, bullying is prevented, and when it does occur, it is dealt with effectively and in accordance with this policy.
Who to Contact:
Katie Appleby
This policy is available to parents via the school website.
To promote a consistent approach to managing behaviour with the emphasis on preventing bullying throughout ADC
For instructors to take the lead in ensuring policies are implemented effectively.
To create an atmosphere of trust and openness.
To promote strongly positive behaviour of all types.
To ensure that concerns of all types are raised at an early stage and dealt with swiftly, fairly and with consistency.
To ensure both bullies and those being bullied are supported appropriately and systems put into place to monitor progress.
To ensure all concerns and reports of bullying of all kinds are recorded fully.
To communicate the contents clearly to all so that;
All staff, pupils and parents have an understanding of what bullying is.
All staff know what the school policy is on bullying, and follow it when bullying is reported.
All pupils and parents know what the school policy is on bullying and what they should do if bullying arises.
Everyone takes bullying seriously at all times, so that pupils and parents are assured that they will be supported when bullying is reported.
The Equality Act 2010 – ADC complies with the aims of this act as follows:
We aim to eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Act.
We work to advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
We promote and foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
Safeguarding Children and Young People:
Under the Children Act 1989 a bullying incident should be addressed as a child protection concern when there is ‘reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering, or is likely to suffer, significant harm’. Where this is the case, instructors should follow the safeguarding policy and report their concerns immediately to the school’s DSL, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Katie Appleby, who will then inform the local authority children’s social care officer.
ADC will deal quickly and effectively with incidents. All staff and pupils have a vital role in preventing bullying within the school.
Recording of incidents
A record of all incidents of bullying (register) is kept by Miss Katie Appleby, Principal. All relevant incidents occurring at any time are recorded.
Cyber Bullying
The school considers online safety a part of both safeguarding, anti-bullying and mobile devices. This includes the use of cyber technology to bully, including social media, websites, mobile telephones, text messages, photographs and emails. The Department for Education offers advice documents for both parents and school instructors on Cyber Bullying and these documents are available on the Department for Education Website. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/preventing-and- tackling-bullying The school would also treat seriously cyber bullying of its instructors by any parent or student.
Procedures – What can Instructors do if bullying is suspected? 
Signs to look for include withdrawal, low self-esteem, poor attendance, children flying into tempers (usually at home) weight loss, bursting into tears at the slightest criticism. Instructors should develop positive relationships with pupils so that they feel confident enough to report bullying. When bullying is reported, it is important to act quickly and to get the facts right noting times, names, places, witnesses, theft, damage, injuries. It may be advisable to ask the victim to keep a diary of events. All reports of bullying must be taken seriously. Any meetings with parents, copies of letters and the action agreed upon will also be recorded. It is important to fully investigate and hear ‘both sides of the story’.
If complaints of bullying are the result of normal, albeit distressing, changes in friendships, they may be best resolved in a low-key manner, with a minimum of disruption to pupil’s progress. In such situations, parents may not be automatically informed.
When a bullying incident is witnessed the instructor should remove both parties from the situation and hear both sides of the story. As soon as possible a written record of the incident should be made. Very minor incidents may be dealt with swiftly and verbally, and may require no further action – nonetheless positive action by instructors is necessary and a record made of the conversation. When a pupil complains of being bullied, he or she will be taken seriously and listened to. Any specific incidents will be noted down in writing, as well as a record of the pupil’s general feelings. When a parent raises an initial concern, the same process applies.
At all times a calm, unbiased and reflective investigation is carried out of any allegations made, in consultation with all parties involved. The school will remain impartial, and make any decision regarding further action based on the evidence. 
If possible both parties should be reintegrated into the group/classroom as soon as possible. If not the parties should be taken to a safe place where a suitable adult can stay with them until an instructor attends.
In cases of cyber-bullying, any evidence in the form of text messages or other postings should be retained. The principal should be involved in all such instances.
All parties will meet at the earliest possible opportunity to try to find a solution, and agree a plan of action to prevent such incidents happening again. It is often helpful to have an impartial witness at such meetings, such as another instructor.
 All incidents of bullying should be reported to the instructors concerned, via a written report. In addition a copy will be sent to the Principal for the bullying central file.
More severe cases of bullying will be reported to the Principal who will inform the parents and hold an investigation. If decided necessary, the Principal will decide whether to inform the Police or other agencies as needed.
Parents will be involved early in the process, and their support requested and desired. All incidents of bullying will be reported to parents/guardians. Parents’ support will be asked for, to help to prevent further incidents of bullying or anti-social behaviour. Regular communication will play a key part in resolving an incident. In low key issues as highlighted above parents may not be informed unless it becomes clear that the situation remains an issue.