When enrolling as part of our competition team, parents and child must adhere to the team rules. These are in place to keep our team safe, happy, inclusive and a nurturing environment in line with our school's ethos. As a parent/guardian of a dancer competing in the 2024/25 season for ADC, I must agree to the following requirements and code of conduct.
I, and my dancer, will:
- Contribute towards a positive and supportive community for all participants in the studio.- Be on time for rehearsals, classes, and any events, shows, conventions, workshops and competitions. A general rule of thumb is to get your dancer to comp an hour, or two if not ready, before competing to make sure they are physically an mentally prepared to dance, are dressed, hair and makeup done, warmed up and rehearsed.
- Understand that competitions are booked and paid in advance. Any changes to your personal schedule resulting in not being able to compete after comps have been booked will not be reimbursed and will still required to be paid to the competition. ADC will not cover their entry fee.
- Understand that most comps require a spectator ticket.
- I will be a strong team player and support all of the children.
- My dancer and I will be polite, courteous and respectful to my teacher and fellow dancers. We will show good sportsmanship. We will represent ADC in a respectful, helpful manner, being positive in spirit, attitude and behaviour when in class and out of comp, and wearing ADC uniform.
- Give my all physically, emotionally and mentally. This includes: dancing full out, stretching and practising at home, focusing on material being taught and my own performance.
- Respect the dance studio and performance environments, keeping them neat and clean for the safety of others and myself.
- Respect and care for all costumes, props and equipment.
- If I have a dance related problem, I will discuss this with my teacher and I know I can come to them if I ever need help or advice, inside or outside the studio.
- Unless specified prior by Miss Katie, you must take class in the style you are competing in and have sufficient, solid understanding and knowledge of the genre. For example, you cannot begin an acro routine the first week you begin taking class in this. This is up to the discretion of the teacher.
- You must take private lessons (£15 per half hour) to learn the routine.
- All competing dancers MUST take ballet. This is a mandatory requirement to ensure the technique of the children is continuously developing throughout the year.
- I understand that any duo, trio, or group trophies and medals (not including comps where each child is awarded something) belong to the studio and will be displayed there.
_ You must join the parent ADC Competition Team Facebook chat, which you will be invited to.
- you must attend comp class on Thursday evenings. You will be assigned class A, B or C. This is to work on troupes and perform in front of each other, working on confidence and performance skills, improv skills, and developing the team bond. This is NOT included in an 'All You Can Dance' pass.
- Dancers and parents are responsible for sourcing/making their own props.
- Parents must actively work alongside Miss Katie in finding costumes, please contact Miss Jacqueline for bespoke costumes.
- If I am in a troupe, I am REQUIRED to attend all competition with troupe entires. Letting the team down will result in termination of my place in the troupe.
- You will be responsible for your own costume and prop maintenance and repairs.
- You will be responsible for buying your own makeup and hair products.
- Makeup will be required on stage as part of a costume - a minimum we require bronzer, blush, eyeliner, and mascara, to ensure facial expressions are seen on stage.
- Old routines will not be prioritised in comp class, and will be saved until the end of class - extra rehearsal of these will be required at home if you feel you need it, or privates can be booked - contact Miss Katie for details.
- Comp entry fees must be paid in advance. These vary from 5-10 pounds per routine, and is set by the organiser.
- Drop outs once entries are in will not be reimbursed/refunded for comp fees as these need to be paid in advance.
- Competitions do not offer refunds.
- Refunds are not issued for classes missed to compete.
- Miss Katie has the right to decline/limit new routine requests depending on private lesson availability and own discretion as to the child being ready to compete in a new style.
- Miss Katie has the right to pull a child out of a competition if they are not ready. We want to build a positive, fun environment and experience, and do not want to put a child on stage who is unprepared.
- We will share with you dates for competitions as soon as we know them. These may include travel, which will not be reimbursed by the school. We try to stay as local as possible but there may be opportunity to travel further.
- You may have to attend comps without Miss Katie - especially Saturday competitions when dancing is on! Parents will be proactive and responsible to support each other in helping play music and get ready. You mat borrow our speaker for this.
- If you wish to enter a competition, festival or champs as an independent entry anywhere in the country, please message Miss Katie who will 99% of the time happily grant permission or provide permission slip where necessary. Miss Katie has the right to decline this if it interferes with a dance school event such as show, rehearsal, exam, etc or if it is not in the best interest of the dancer.