Dancer and Parent Code of Conduct
As a dancer, I will:
Be on time for rehearsals, classes, and any events, shows, conventions, workshops and competitions.
I will be “ready to dance” at the time set for rehearsal to start, and I understand the difference between “walking in the door” and being “ready to dance”, i.e., dressed and warmed up.
Work to the best of my ability in every class.
Promise to contact ADC if I am going to be absent from a rehearsal or class. I understand that by missing more than three classes in a month with unauthorized absence may result in removal from any show or competition routines, that all class, costume and competition fees are non-refundable.
I will, if able, watch rehearsal in the case of injury or mild illness.
I will be polite, courteous and respectful to my teacher and fellow dancers. I will pay attention and be quiet in class.
Attend class in appropriate dancewear as outlined in the uniform policy, or all black (leotard/crop top and leggings/shorts) if you don’t yet have the uniform. My hair will be neat and off my face and I will not wear jewellery. If we are at an out of class event such as a show or competition, I will be in appropriate ADC attire outlined by teacher beforehand.
Represent ADC in a respectful, helpful manner, being positive in spirit, attitude and behavior when in class and out of class.
Give my all physically, emotionally and mentally. This includes: dancing full out, stretching and practising at home, focusing on material being taught and my own performance.
Respect the dance studio and performance environments, keeping them neat and clean for the safety of others and myself.
Respect and care for all costumes, props and equipment.
If I have a dance related problem, I will discuss this with my teacher and I know I can come to them if I ever need help or advice, inside or outside the studio.
I will take responsibilities for my belongings, and any property lost at the studio or when representing ADC such as at a show or competition is my responsibility. However, let us know if you’re looking for something - it might be in our lost and found box!
I will follow any Covid-19 protocols as they change and develop, such as social distancing and bubbles if necessary, as outlined by my teacher.
I will not:
Come to class wearing jewellery (other than single ear studs) or my hair down.
Gossip, write, or otherwise communicate negatively about others or myself in or outside of rehearsals and competition. This includes any area related to choreography, costumes, music, teachers, competition staff or other dancers. (Facebook and other social media)
Bully, gossip about, or isolate other students.
Chew gum or eat food in studios.
Use my phone in class.
Upload any ADC dances or choreography onto Facebook, YouTube, or other similar sites without permission.
Leave the dance studio premises without a parent/guardian or parental permission.
Re-perform any class or show choreography that is taught at ADC at any location, without permission from the teacher.
I understand:
Dancers are expected to attend classes regularly. Dancers must learn any missed choreography outside of class time and before the next class/rehearsal.
If a class has to be cancelled for unforeseen circumstances such as weather, a member of staff will alert students and parents through email or social media. In such cases, ADC will not reimburse the class fee but if possible will roll it over to next term.
My teacher will make the final decision regarding my ability to compete/perform in any discipline.
That there is a zero tolerance behavior policy at ADC. Dancers behaving inappropriately will be removed from the dance class/competition/performances and parents will be involved. Inappropriate behavior includes the use of drugs and/or alcohol of any type at/on any ADC event or property.
If I ever need Miss Katie, I know I can talk to her at class or contact her via email or phone as detailed on the website.
I accept this “Code of Conduct” and agree to conduct myself according to the principles and regulations of ADC. I realize that I may be removed from any dance event for failure to comply.
In order to assist in a students learning the teacher may physically help the student by using touch. This method will always be performed in a professional and careful manner, with the intention of contact made clear to the student. If you have any concerns or wish to discuss this further, please contact Miss Katie.
UPDATE: Due to COVID-19 guidance, any physical contact between teacher and student will be kept to a minimum. The teacher will use hand sanitiser before and after correcting the student.
Social Media and Photography:
Parents are more than welcome to photograph their own children during watch week/viewing days, but out of respect for the other dancers and their own permissions, we ask you to only photograph your own child.
We work in collaboration with Appleby Dance Photography, who may often come to visit class or set up photoshoot days that your child can participate in! This is a great opportunity to get dance portraits of your child, or headshots for auditions. They also offer location shoots, and you may visit their website at any time to book a photoshoot of your own.
Shows and competitions will be filmed, so if you do not wish for your child to be filmed, they will not be able to participate in the event.
We currently have a Facebook and Instagram page, (both Appleby Dance Company) and we advise you ‘like’ or ‘follow’ these pages to keep up to date on information distributed by ADC, as well as any photographs and news we will be sharing! Social media is a wonderful platform, however we ask any questions, advice or personal messages are sent to us via direct messages rather than in the comments as these platforms are public.
Reasons for termination:
The dancer will be given one warning if not abiding by above agreement. If at this point the dancer does not abide by one or more of the above rules she/he will be put on probation and her/ his parents will be notified. If at this point the dancer again does not abide by one or more of the above terms, she/he will be removed from the studio.
Reason for immediate dismissal include:
Attendance, behavior that causes physical or emotional harm or visible disrespect to others or self, smoking, drinking or the use of other illegal substances during any ADC function.
Please see our policies page on our website for more information and policies from Appleby Dance Company.